Join Us

The sum is greater than its parts. At the 25 Project, we desire to collaborate with the body of Christ in caring for the orphaned together. From the youngest kids to seasoned veterans, you and your church or school can partner with the 25 Project in taking the hope and healing of Jesus to orphaned and vulnerable children around the world. A partnership with the 25 Project allows your church or school to expand its reach.

Ways You Can Partner With Us

We are currently in need of volunteers to help in two areas:

Orphan Sunday is right around the corner on November 11th! It is not too soon to start planning an Orphan Sunday event at your church! You can advocate for the children in your 25 Project country of interest or for all of the locations where we serve.

We are currently in need of organizers for several service projects. Organizers simply inform family and friends about a need in one of the areas where we work, and help gather any donations.

Would you prayerfully consider joining us on a mission expedition to see how the Lord is working among the nations to bring children and communities to Himself? Our next available mission expedition is to Sierra Leone on September 13th through September 22nd!