My Sponsorship Story

A Story by Nathan Bogue

Marianny is my family’s sponsored child in the Dominican Republic! She reminds me of my own daughter Lillie, in so many ways, every time I see her. Marianny loves to sing, talk about what she is learning at school and laugh with her friends.  My family and I have such a heart to see her grow in her faith, just as we ourselves are doing.

I was so delighted when Marianny confirmed her faith in Christ this year.  She was sitting with Patricia after lunch at camp one day.  Patricia came to know Christ last summer. I asked Patricia to share with Marianny, and walk through the meaning of sin, repentance, and faith in Christ. It was a special time I will never forget as Cynthia translated the whole conversation for me to hear. Marianny was as sure of her faith as Patricia!

Another special moment was while serving with the July mission team.  Marianny sang to me for my birthday. She was so proud and practiced really hard beforehand to bless me. I will never forget that experience. The rest of the kids at camp joined her in singing, too. As if that was not special enough, the mission team and I were surprised on the last day of our expedition when the children washed each team member’s feet. Wow, what a surprise for each of us!

Many tears were shed by team members because they were so humbled by this moment. Keith, Lisa, and all the team were expecting to serve the children, but the children served us, with a heart of love. Marianny came to me with a bucket filled with water and a towel. She placed my feet in the water and lovingly washed my feet when it was my turn. I was so touched and blessed in that moment. I thought of Christ’s love that He showed to His disciples in washing their feet. Mission teams are so special, and even more special is sponsoring a child like Marianny.

I would love for you to pray for Marianny to further grow in Christ. I know God is faithful to hear and move in her heart. You, too, may decide to sponsor one of the many children available in the Dominican Republic. Do not miss the blessing of sponsorship!

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